Caldera Spa prices

Caldera Spas offers many models and specializes in therapeutic tubs. See what users are paying for their spas and hot tubs.
Caldera Spas are popular with consumers because of the value in purchasing a fully-loaded, feature-rich hot tub for a fraction of the price that other manufacturers charge. The price on a Caldera Spa can range from $3000 to $10,000 depending on the size and features desired, with a smaller, more basic hot tub lying at the lower end of the price spectrum. There are three Caldera hot tub collections: the Utopia Series, the Paradise Series, and the Vacanza Series; each series offering several models that differ in size or features. Caldera Spas have a focus on hydrotherapy and hydromassage, provided by different types of adjustable jets. Below is a sample of Caldera Spa prices that consumers paid for their hot tubs. Request your own Caldera Spa prices on a hot tub for the size and features that you have in mind.
Caldera Spa prices that people paid
Please Note: The following prices are example prices. The price that you may pay for your hot tub will vary depending on your location, the features you choose, installation requirements, and other factors.
“Caldera-Niagra was $8995 and includes cover with lift, steps, chemicals, 5 years no charge repair service, delivery and set up.”
“Hot Springs Caldera was $5000, 5-6 person, includes cover, lifter, stairs, 1 bottle silk water product, delivery, class.”
“We paid approximately $7,000 for our Caldera Martinique Spa. We bought from Liverpool Pool and Spa because they service what they sell and are local.”
“$5800.00 which included 5 seats,1 lounge, Caldera Spa, it came with a set of steps, cover and lifter, all the chemicals,and the delivery. 5yr warranty on shell,2 yr shell surface,leaks, cabinet.”
“I bought a Caldera Tahitian for $7700, included LED package, hot tub cover lift, ozonator, etc.”
“Caldera Spa. $7000 included 50 amp breaker and sub panel.”
“Purchased a Caldera brand, Kauai model with optional Ozonator and cover lifter. Steps came standard along with GFCI sub-panel, delivery and set-up. Paid $6300.”
“$9195 for a Caldera Geneva including hot tub steps, Oxonator, hot tub cover and lift, set up and delivery, and spa start up pack.”
“$3500 for a Caldera Aventine spa with a hot tub cover, steps, delivery, setup, and starter chemical kit.”
“$6200 for our Caldera C30 Spa – excellent warranty on shell, outside, mechanical (like 5 yr, 7 yr, 10 yr) SpaGlo, hot tub waterfall, hot tub steps, cover lift, GFCI electrical outlet, starting chemicals.”
“Caldera Spas Aventine fully loaded with full warranty and lifetime service included – $4000.”
“$8595 for a Caldera Tahitian with Ozonator, mineral dispenser, lighting, cover, cover lift mechanism, steps, GFCI, setup, chemicals, delivery and installation.”